Macworld ClarisWorks 4 Bible

Macworld ClarisWorks 4 Bible

Macworld ClarisWorks 4 Bible provides everything you need to know to take advantage of ClarisWorks 4, the powerful all-in-one package that combines word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, database, and communications. Whether you want step-by-step basics for each environment or advanced integration techniques, this easy-to-use guide will help you get more productivity and power out of ClarisWorks 4.

Inside, you’ll learn to:

  • Master the basic with easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanations of each ClarisWorks 4 environment
  • Get up to speed with all the new, time-saving features, including style sheets, custom reports, and tons of shortcuts
  • Combine text, tables, and graphics on the same page without having to cut-and-paste or switch environments
  • Save time ad avoid headaches by using special Quick Tips the reveal efficient ways to use and integrate ClarisWorks environments, features, and tools
  • Build more powerful worksheets and databases with new, in-depth coverage of the spreadsheet and database functions
  • Create word processing documents and save them in HTML format, the format commonly used for documents that can be browsed on the Web

Macworld ClarisWorks 4 Bible

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664 pages
Retail: $34.99
Wiley (IDG Books), 1995

Siliconwasteland price: Unsigned $17.49; Signed $34.99

Steven Schwartz, Ph.D. •